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Sand Texture


Pigment is applied to mimic either a hair stroke or powder or both to give the brows structure. The cost of the appointment includes your initial appointment that gives time for a through consultation and your follow up appointment 8–12 weeks after your initial appointment.

New Client Brow Cosmetic Tattooing 


(1st appointment 2.5 hours, 2nd appointment 1hour) 


Returning Client Touch-Up Appointment 


(1.5 hours) 


New to me Client Touch-Up Appointment*


(1.5 hours) if a second appointment is needed after this an additional $250 will be charged  

*This appointment is for someone who has received PMU from another artist, if that client is happy with color and shape book this appointment. If they are unhappy with shape or color a consult or removal service should be booked. 

Before You Book

  • Must 18 yrs old or older to get tattooed in Baltimore City 

  • Can not be pregnant or nursing 

  • Stop using Retinols, anti-aging or anti-acne creams 1 week prior

  • No Botox 2 weeks before appointment 

  • No Laser or Peels 4 weeks before your appointment 

  • No filer in the area 4 weeks before appointment (this includes under eye and cheeks, where I might touch for stabilization) 

  • Can not be sun burnt 

  • Must be off Accutane for 1 year before getting tattooed 

  • Diabetes must be controlled and a doctors note has to be obtained 

  • Notify us if you are currently on blood thinner medication. 

  • Notify us if you have any ongoing medical condition(s) you are being treated for such as Lupus, Cancer, etc. 

  • Notify us if you have any moles, skin-tags or significant scarring in the area being tattooed. 


Before You Arrive

  • Please Give yourself enough time to arrive and find parking. 

  • Check your email for our electric form clearing you from any contraindications

  • Per Baltimore City health department guidelines: a paper consent will have to be filled out and a copy of your license will be made on arrival


​DO NOT workout the day of your appointment

DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen before your appointment, Acetaminophen is fine

DO NOT drink coffee the day of your appointment 

DO NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before your appointment 


Failure to follow any above guidelines might result in inability to Proform procedure that day and lost of booking fee


What to Expect

  • Come to your appointment with brows drawn on as you normally would. 

  • Do not wear any scented lotions or perfumes.

  • Do not bring anyone under the age of 18 to your appointment. 

  • To keep you as comfortable as possible, we use a pre-numb as well as a secondary numbing agent. 

  • Our highly skilled artists will draw your brows prior to tattooing. They will not begin tattooing until you sign off on the shape and design of the brows. 

  • Once the procedure begins, the process will take about 2 hours to be complete. 

  • Upon completion of the procedure, our Artists will explain all aftercare, and provide you with an aftercare kit. 



  • Written and verbal aftercare will be given to you at your appointment, below is a reference of what to expect. 

  • Wash your hands before touching the tattooed area 

  • Blot and wipe brows after with in the first hour of getting them tattooed 

  • We created a wound and that wound will weep bodily fluids, keeping the wound clean will make sure there is no heavy scabbing 

  • Blot and wipe past the hair to get the skin clean throughout the day for the first 3 days 

  • A cleanser might be given to use to use, lather and gently apply around and over tattooed area and rinse off completely

  • A damp paper towel is the best to use for cleaning 

  • After wiping brows wait 15mins for brows to completely dry to apply ointment given to you. 

  • Do not apply other lotions for the first 7 days, only ointment provided 



Days 1–3: Your eyebrows will be darker and drawn on. You may have redness that will subside in 48 hours. Make sure to blot excess fluids and wait 24 hours before applying ointment  


Day 4: Peeling begins, keep the brows clean and keep the skin hydrated with ointment, but do not over do it. 


Day 5–8: Brows will continue to peel and soften. At this they will look thinner and lighter. Give the color 3 weeks to fully bloom in the skin. 


  • We are healing a open wound and an investment that is on your face, please follow the below guidelines to ensure optimal results 

  • DO NOT do anything that could cause dirt, dust or dander to enter the tattoo for the first 5 days. 

  • NO EXERCISING for 10 days, NO EXCEPTIONS. This includes any activates that will turn your face red.

  • Keep out of the Sun while healing, protect brows in the sun for lasting results 

  • No swimming, or direct water to the brows during the healing process

  • No makeup on tattooed area for 5 days

  • No tweezing, waxing, facials, peels or any facial treatments for a Full 2 weeks after tattooing

  • Do not pick or peel your brows while healing. This can result in scaring or a blotchy looking healed result 


Do not stress or over think the healing process. They will heal and complications are extremely rare. 

Get in Touch

Feel free to email Julie with any questions 

To Book Call 410.366.SKIN

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